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The Differences Between a Moving Broker and a Moving Company

January 21, 2021

If you are in the process of a big move, or any move, it’s essential to know the differences between a moving broker and a moving company. Several individuals are surprised to learn what knowing the differences can make or break your moving experience. Contrary to popular beliefs, the two are very different, and it is vital to understand those differences before deciding which one will help you during your move.

Moving Brokers

Moving brokers can be considered the middleman when it comes to moving. They can arrange transportation for your goods, but they do not own any moving trucks or have professional movers. Instead, they will sell your move to an actual moving company. Brokers will give you an estimate and then sell your move to a moving company based strictly on the bid to help get the best rates. Due to different reasons such as no availability or resources, a broker may not be able to confirm dependable transportation for your goods on the actual day of your move. This means that you will be left alone on your moving day with no help or way to complete the move. There are also additional risks to using a moving broker, such as the possibility of encountering unlicensed or uninsured movers. This possibility can leave your valuable items in the wrong hands and leave you susceptible to damaged goods during the move. Moving brokers will also never assume responsibility for your goods. This means if they sell your move to a moving company that damages your items, you will not be able to do much about it. This is arguably one of the most significant risks you take when going with a moving broker since you are unable to get any insurance through them.

Moving Companies

Moving companies are legitimate companies that help complete the move for you. By going straight to the best moving company, you cut out the moving brokers and secure a hassle-free move for yourself. Moving companies will assume all responsibility for your goods during transportation. They have trained professional movers who will help do all of the heavy lifting before, during, and after your move. There is no chance of you being left without movers on the day of your move because when you use their services, you get guaranteed help. They also offer extra services that can be extremely beneficial. Some of the services include moving insurance, which can come in handy when moving, especially if you are trying to accomplish a cross country move.

Northern Moving Systems is a moving company you can trust in your time of need. We focus on providing a safe, secure move for all our clients. Whether you require the best cross country movers or need one of the best local moving companies, Northern Moving Systems can help. We will be there to help ensure you have a stress free experience. Contact us today to learn more about the moving services we off. Give us a call at 1-877-513-5138.